Congratulations, you have taken the first step towards change,
you’ve already done the hardest bit, deciding to take action.

About Kim

Kim closeup

I came into practising hypnotherapy quite by accident rather than design. After my mother died I went for counselling as I felt I was not handling the situation very well. I came across my counsellor by looking on the internet as most people do nowadays. We developed a very good rapport and she explained that she was using a combination of therapies including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). The therapy changed my life around, I was able to see things far more clearly and objectively and she encouraged me to ‘do’ more with my life.

Because of the impact CBT had on my life I decided to look into it more and subsequently completed a diploma (with distinction) in CBT that led me into hypnotherapy as CBT works extremely well with other therapies. I qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and whilst doing that, received a qualification in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and a diploma in Smoking Cessation. Since qualified I went on to become qualified as a Virtual Gastric Band practitioner, and BLAST (EMDR) therapy practitioner



I am a Professional Member of the General Hypnotherapy Register and Standards Council, (GHSC, GHR);  & Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists (CRSST) and I am therefore bound by an ethical code of conduct and confidentiality.

  • Coaching Skills for Hypnotherapists
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Level 5
  • S.A.C. Dip. (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
  • Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy (Dip. CHH)
  • Diploma In Smoking Cessation Therapy
  • Hypnosis as an Application of NLP
  • Part One EFT Training to the standards of The EFT Guild
  • Virtual Gastric Band Procedure
  • YHT Certificate of N.L.P Skills (Cert.NLPS)


Can anybody be hypnotised ?

Yes, anyone can be hypnotised if they want to be. We experience this natural state of mind all the time; if you’ve ever day dreamed, or become so absorbed in a book or film that you lose track of time, you have experienced a state similar to hypnosis. So it is not appropriate for very young children or people with certain mental disabilities. A hypnotherapist can not force you to go into hypnosis against your will.

How Effective Is Hypnosis Consultations?

A survey of mind/body literature by noted researcher Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. revealed the following recovery rates: Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions. Behaviour Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions. Hypnotism: 93% recovery after 6 sessions. Source: American Health Magazine

Where do you hold clinics?

I practice hypnotherapy in South Cave, near Brough East Yorkshire

How many sessions will I need ?

On average Kim see’s people 3-4 times, but sometimes more or less sessions are required. To stop smoking no more than two sessions or one double session are usually required. For anything else, that depends on your motivation and desire to change. However, hypnotherapy is an effective therapy and the hypnotherapist will want to help you in the minimum number of sessions possible. You and the hypnotherapist will review your progress so that at any time you can make a valued judgement about how the therapy is progressing.

How often will I need to see the hypnotherapist ?

This depends on the type of problem and on the progress made. The hypnotherapist will usually see you once a week. However some clients see the hypnotherapist once a fortnight or even once a month depending on their circumstances. The first session includes a free digitally mastered hypnotherapy recording for you to practise with. Please note the full fee may be liable unless a minimum of twenty four hours notice is given to cancel or rearrange appointments.

How Much Does It Cost?

Sessions last approx 1 hour and cost £60. Please note a minimum of twenty four hours notice is required to cancel or rearrange or the full session fee may be charged.
Stopping Smoking is run over 1 or 2 sessions and costs £350. If you’re serious about giving up, you’ll leave my therapy room as a non smoker.

Can you guarantee results?

I don’t guarantee results since I cannot take full responsibility for the changes you make. I can however, guarantee that you will be satisfied with how our session together goes. If you are unsatisfied with how the session went I will be happy to offer a session free of charge or a refund on the session.

What if I’m still undecided

If you still have questions about hypnotherapy give me a call or book in a FREE half an hour initial assessment to meet face to face. You can ask any questions you have and decide if I’m the right therapist for you.

What Is The Next Step?

You can contact me via the following:

Kim Rowan Hypnotherapy
South Cave
East Riding Of Yorkshire

07775 645998

[email protected]


Hull Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is about empowerment.

It is a practise of promoting healing or positive development by re-programming patterns of behaviour within the mind, enabling irrational fears, phobias, negative thoughts and suppressed emotions to be overcome.

Hypnosis is obtained through focused concentration, for example on the therapist’s voice. Once the deep state of hypnotic relaxation has been reached, the subconscious mind is able to absorb information, suggestion and other content which bring about the therapeutic changes.

A person under hypnosis experiences a sense of deep relaxation and whilst they are in an altered state, the hypnotherapist works with them to focus on whatever the issue is that has brought them there and to resolve those issues by appropriate suggestions made by the therapist. A person is always in control and aware of their surroundings and cannot be made to anything they do not want to do. However it is not a miracle cure, it still requires work and commitment on the part of the client. I don’t  snap my fingers and ‘cure’ you. It is a partnership where  myself and the client work together to overcome an issue. See testimonials  for what others have said about hypnotherapy with me. Hypnotherapy works on the premise that a person wants to change, without that desire they simply will never change.

Hypnotherapy can be applied to many psychological, emotional and physical disorders.  It is used purely for relaxation, and is proven to be beneficial in stress management, anxiety and panic attacks, phobias of all kinds lend themselves well to hypnotherapy as well as curing habits such as nail biting, hair pulling (Trichotillomania) and body dysmorphia (BDD). Hypnotherapy can be used to relieve pain in surgery and dentistry.  It can ease the suffering of the disabled and those facing terminal illness, and it has been shown to help people to overcome addictions such as smoking and alcoholism, and to help with weight management.  Children can also be hypnotised to be helped with nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) and chronic asthma, whilst teenagers can conquer stammering or blushing problems which can otherwise make their lives miserable as well as exam nerves. Confidence issues such as public speaking and presentations or lack of self-esteem, are common issues that can be resolved with hypnotherapy. The list is virtually endless.


Had a great day out in Dublin with my eldest daughter.  Everything went well (even got through what my daughter said was a very bumpy landing).  A big thank you from me to you for all your guidance and help.

- PL

FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE Fantastic service from Kim. I would highly recommend her therapies. She provides a warm, caring environment and I felt at ease from the moment I arrived. Truly amazing

- PS

AMAZING HYPNOTHERAPIST Kim is an absolutely amazing hypnotherapist and I can honestly say she has completely changed my life for the better. I have seen Kim for a number of things and she never fails me.
Kim is very friendly approachable and extremely trustworthy.
I would highly recommend!!

- LW

QUIT SMOKING SUCCESS I saw Kim’s advert online, I wanted to stop smoking so I enquired, Kim replied quickly to my enquiry, we booked a consultation at the times that suited me, on the consultation Kim was really thorough, I couldn’t wait to go for my hypnotherapy to help me stop smoking.
Fast forward to hypnotherapy day, Kim was amazing, and low and behold I haven’t had a cigarette since. I haven’t craved cigarettes either. I was sceptical, maybe it would work maybe it wouldn’t? But I’m so glad I did this, thank you Kim.

- JM

Fantastic service from Kim.  I would highly recommend her therapies.  She provides a warm, caring environment and I felt at ease from the moment I arrived.  Truly amazing

- PS

I would like to thank you so much for all the work you have done and I’m so pleased I  came to you because I’ve changed so much. Thanks to the hypnotherapy I no longer have negative thoughts about myself and I’m eating healthier and more controlled and have more energy .

I can honestly say now that I like who I am

So thank you .

- LS

Like almost everyone else (I imagine) I had very little idea what to expect when I first contacted Kim about hypnotherapy, but she put me at ease very quickly.  Kim has the rare gift of being highly professional in her manner but also treating you as a friend; she’s a genuinely lovely person.  My four sessions with Kim have, quite simply, changed my whole life.  I find that my way of thinking is completely different now, and it’s all positive!  The things which used to weigh me down are so much more manageable.  I really feel I’m a happier person, better mum, better wife, better friend, more effective at work…the list goes on and on!  My self-esteem is dramatically improved, and I’ve got more energy and motivation.  I’d have no hesitation in recommending Kim’s work to anyone.

- BL

After one session with Kim for troubling sleeping and slight pain management I was so relaxed! Well aware of things going on around me but able to focus on the words without being distracted by it all. Amazing.

- LS

Kim has helped me so much with my nerve damage pain following spinal surgery. She listens to your needs and hopes and made me feel very relaxed and also gave me the confidence I needed to get through every day. Thank you Kim

- KW

Since having hypnotherapy my mind has settled, calmer way of thinking. My confidence is higher then before. I’m less stressed at looking for approval and constant reassurance for my ideas. I’m taking in pieces of information from lots of different sources and making my own decisions and not second guessing myself all the time. After the first session, I’ve already seeing results, waking up refreshed and full of good positive thoughts and energy.

- KM

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